something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue...

Vakna prexix, sitter med en megakopp kaffe. Blev visst lite sent igår, jag och Froo satt och tjabbla i evigheter. Det känns så skönt att kunna vara till hands när det behövs, då känner man sig inte så långt ifrån. "Life is a journey not a destination" who the hell knows what the future brings. Kan ju bli så att vi blir grannar! Den biten som har fattats nu i tre år kan hitta hem igen. From the fist time you feel like, this is right, follow that feeling and don't let go. Don't look back at misstakes, you're given another chance. Fear, don't let it be somewhat of a limitation. Fear runs through our vains, but it's up to you how far you will let it control you. You know what Pink Floyd sings;  "We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year, running over the same old ground. What have we found? The same old fears wish you were here".
Great love doesn't arrive as a package of great convenience, it arrives as something that will swep you of your feet both in good or bad. But is it worth sacrificing  for? Most definitly.

Läste nyss att Rage Against the Machine ska re-unite. Woho, saknat deras musik som få. Sitter lyssnar på Know your enemy, damn what a feeling. Im furious! :D

Och du fula helvete som inte kan låta bli och läsa, här är något till dig;

I've got no patience now
So sick of complacence now
I've got no patience now
So sick of complacence now
Sick of sick of sick of sick of you
Time has come to pay...
Know your enemy!


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